

NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, Thursday, October 26, 2017

NHH is making some changes to its current counselling program to increase real-time access to counselling in our community.

Working with Northumberland Community Counselling Centre (NCCC), a new walk-in counselling option is now available locally to individuals 16 years of age and older, at NHH’s Community Mental Health offices location at 1011 Elgin Street West, Suite 200, Cobourg.

For the duration of the pilot, the walk-in counselling option will be available two days a week, as follows: on Tuesdays (8 AM to 4 PM) and Thursdays (10 AM – 6 PM).

Individuals seeking the walk-in option will not require a referral. Seen on a first-come, first-served basis, walk-in clients will meet first with an NHH case manager who will assess them for appropriateness for walk-in support. Once confirmed as appropriate for the walk-in support, clients will receive a same day appointment with a therapist. If crisis and/or hospital support is found to be required, or if additional referrals are needed, this will be coordinated.

Should the individual be found to better fit the mandate for the Northumberland Community Counselling Centre, NHH will establish the necessary contact with that team, again for a sameday appointment, and coordinate transportation to the appropriate NCCC office, if needed.

In the event that need exceeds available staff, individuals will be asked to return on the next day of service for assistance.

There is no limit to the number of times an individual may access the new walk-in counselling clinic. NHH will continue to offer long-term counselling and group support, and previously established services will also continue unchanged at NCCC.

Adjustments will be made to the new walk-in model as required following a preliminary assessment.